Politik och mellanöstern: Franklin Lamb om STL

20 november 2010

Franklin Lamb om STL

Igår kunde man läsa att den internationella domstolen kan komma att släppa sin slutgiltiga rapport redan i nästa vecka. Mellanösternexperten Franklin Lamb, som är bosatt i Beirut sedan över 20 år tillbaka ger sin syn på saken:

"One congressional staffer advised: “What we will use are all the many tools, enforcement and other, available to the international community to bring down Hezbollah. The coming phase need not even look like the US and Israel have much involvement. We will just watch like football spectators from the sideline as the UN employs myriad legal and political measures to bring to justice those found to be involved. That’s the beauty of this and it’s also why Hezbollah is very, worried. Or for sure they should be.”
Another staffer in the same office added in an email: “Don’t you see, the STL is the perfect international law instrument to destroy Hezbollah, achieve regime change in Syria, create deadly Sunni-Shia conflicts everywhere, cause civil a war in Lebanon and topple the Mullahs in Iran. It’s going to be like Cheney never left office.”"

Det här bara bekräftar teorierna om att STL bara är ett amerikanskt-israeliskt instrument vars syfte är att krossa sina motståndare i den muslimska världen.

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